This bike was designed to push bike handling to the edge of the envelope. The chain stays are a short 15.25"which would normally be difficult to do with 26" wheels. To make this happen, the bottom bracket shell was widened to 80mm, rear hub spacing was widened to 160mm and a track style rear drop out was used. The bottom bracket height was placed at 16" for maximum clearance. Three of these prototype "Woods Bikes" were made and there was a short review in the November 1991 Dirt Rag magazine, written by Jay DeJesus. A NC-based doctor saw the review and purchased this bike from Grove. A second bike was destroyed in testing and Bill Grove still has the third bike. He brought it to the 2007 Cackalacky Cup which saw the reunion of the only two remaining bikes!
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"Ive seen mountain bike rides transform people not just their bodies but their way of thinking. Their spirit." Charlie Cunningham