This bike has a lot of neat features so there are two photo galleries below. We are not 100% sure on the date of this one since Manitou did not use serial numbers. The bike came with both the rigid and suspension fork and in 1991 Answer took over production of the forks so we are guessing 1990. The early Manitou bikes featured a 145mm rear hub and 115mm front hub which made for stronger wheels. The rear triangle is also shifted to allow for a strong dish-less rear wheel which is helped by the 90mm wide bottom bracket shell. The forks feature cro-moly blades bolted into a billet aluminum crown topped off by the billet aluminum stem. Overall, a very well thought out early mountain bike with some usable innovative features.
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"Ive seen mountain bike rides transform people not just their bodies but their way of thinking. Their spirit." Charlie Cunningham